Saturday, September 29, 2012

SSL certificate, the protection for your data.

What is a SSL certificate

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a cryptographic protocol serving to encrypt the connection between the hosting server that stores information and the web client (the browser of the visitor of the website). This encrypted connection provides secure access to personal and business information which should not be available to third parties. SSL is a technology already used by millions of websites through which they provide protection for online transactions with their customers.

How does SSL certificate work?

SSL certificate encryption
The  SSL certificate is installed on the hosting server of the website and  the complex mechanism of the SSL protocol remains in the background and is invisible to the client.  The client and the server establish communication with a procedure called Handshake. During this procedure the various means of establishing secure connection are selected.
The handshake is done as soon as the client browser connects with the server at which a SSL protocol is installed. Then the server provides several mathematical functions for encryption. The highest function supported by the client is chosen by the server and the client is informed about the function chosen. The server then sends its information as digital certificate which contains the details of the authority which has certified the server, the  name of the server and the public key used for the encryption. The user then gets to check the certificate‘s validation. In order to generate session keys used for each connection the web client uses the public key to encrypt a random number and sends the result back to the server. The server than can decipher the number using its own private key. Now both parties have created public and private keys used to secure the information transmitted between the client and the server. This ends the handshake and secures the connection from being exposed to other parties. If any of the steps shown above breaks the handshake is over and the connection will not be established.
This process is performed automatically by the browser and the client and is virtually undetectable by the user.
The encryption which allows the for the connection to be secured is a complicated mathematical process. Through this process all the information is coded and then decoded by the client and the server.  The level of SSL certificate encryption is characterized by the length of the key used by the SSL certificate in bits. The most common used SSL certificates are 40 bits, 56bits, 128 bits and 256 bits. The size of the key defines and the level of security a SSL certificate has. A well secured connection can be deciphered by a hacker equipped with the right tools for as long as million years :)

Types of SSL certificates

The SSL certificates are usually divided in three groups RegularSSL Certificates, Wildcard SSL certificates and EV SSL certificates. The regular certificates can be installed in one domain and secure the information received or transmitted through this domain or subdomain only. If you want to have encrypted secure connection over several subdomains you need Wildcard SSL Certificate. It can be used to secure multiple (as much as you have) subdomains on a single domain name.
The EV SSL certificate are issued to firms and companies which are legally presented. These certificates are used to build additional confidence in the company‘s customers.

A usual way to spot a SSL certificate secured domain is py the prefix „https:“ instead of the usual „http:“ in the web site‘s URL.

Valid SSL Certificate is a must if:
  • Your site is an online store and accepts credit card payments or other orders
  • Your site offers online services, subscribers has to go over signup process
  • Your site supports login to user accounts, containing private or secure details
  • Your site has any other type of transmitting client's data over the Internet
You may also check TSL

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Web Hosting, how to choose plan ?

How to Find Suitable Web Hosting?

Looking to start your own online business or web site? Do you want to get heard globally with your ideas and thoughts? The Internet provides the best way to make your ideas, work or business popular. Now you have to make your idea real and put it in the World Wide Web so everyone can see it. This is why you have to decide who will be your partner in this journey. If you are new to web hosting and don‘t really know what you’re looking for in a web hosting service supplier we can help with some initial information.

Shared Hosting

Most people don‘t need so much resources at the beginning of their online projects. The shared hosting is perfectly good solution for beginners and provides excellent performance at affordable price. Since the beginning will be slow (unless you are content guru and start with enormous traffic in which case you may skip this post ) our suggestion is why waste money go with the easiest solution and see how it goes. You can always upgrade your shared hosting plan later (just choose a provider that offers other hosting services on his servers)

How to search for providers

Check out web forums and web hosting review sites. Ask for help if you need it all the guys will be glad to help you. If you start small, than almost every hosting provider will suit your needs and the price will be affordable. Now days you can find perfectly good hosting for as much as 3-4$. The thing is to choose a company which is dedicated to its customers here are some features you should check in a provider

Disk Space- It is better to be unlimited, you never know what the future brings and you can find that the cost difference for this package can be as little as 2 $.
Data Transfer – look for unlimited for the same reason.
Network Uptime- look for the highest possible number 99% uptime means that 7,2 hours during the month your site might not be operational. You can find suitable hosting providers with 99,9% uptime guarantied which gives you approximately 43 minutes of network downtime during the month in the worst case scenario.
Domains and subdomains hosted – you can start with limited number but if you get the 2$ more plan you usually get the unlimited deal.

Web site management options
The hosting provider should have at least these options to help you manage your content:
  • Full DNS Management 
  • Full WHOIS Management 
  • Domain Lock Control 
  • EPP Key Control 
  • FTP Accounts – it is beter to find provider with unlimited FTP accounts 
  • Custom MX & A records 
  • CNAME Records 
  • Custom 404 pages 
  • Advanced Control Panel 
  • Web based file manager 
  • Password Protection 
  • SSH 

Email options 
If you are doing a small web site or small project then this options aren‘t as important but if you plan to go bigger is better to have them. Again the 2$ rule if you buy the full package most providers will give you full customer care

  • Email Accounts – the higher number or unlimited
  • Email Aliases – again the higher number or unlimited
  • Mailing Lists
  • E-mail Filters
  • Virus Protection
  • SPAM Protection
  • Webmail
  • SMTP Access
  • Autoresponder
  • Catch-All
  • Email Forwarding

Database and scripting options
The database and scritping option is the most important thing for the performance of your site you must check for the following and choose wisely:

  • MySQL(v.5) Databases – try to get as many as possible for the money you are prepared to pay .
  • MySQL Database Storage – again choose the bigest number possible.
  • phpMyAdmin
  • PostgreSQL Databases
  • Postgres Database Storage
  • phpPgAdmin
  • PHP 5
  • Custom php.ini
  • Perl, CGI 
there are many more, look for hosting provider with more options as they give you freedom of choice.

Check the security of the servers 
See how the servers are protected from all kinds of the disaster plus power loss. Do they have a fire and flood protection and self-powered generators to secure the work of the equipment during unexpected situations. 

Tools installer and CMS options 
You will need to make the work on your site as easy as possible check out the availability of the hosting provider to install various tools and content management systems. When your business grow you might need a lot of things as blogs, image galleries, forums and discussion boards and analytics tools etc., you must be sure that the provider can support them.

Technical Support: 

Get a host which can provide the full deal. You will need 24/7 tech support as things tend to go wrong (a wise man said). Any option that the provider offers for tech support is highly appreciated and will be used at some point. Get a provider with „Live chat“ – tech support and with good ticketing system. Also make sure all the online documentation is available to you.

Money-Back Guaranteed Period: 
This may not seem as important but can save you a lot of hustle. Get a provider with trial period. That way you can be sure that the company believes in the hosting service it is providing. A hosting provider with no money back period doesn‘t give the impression of company dedicated to its services.Those are the basic thing you should know when choosing web hosting provider for your site. I hope we have been useful and remember, choosing a hosting provider isn‘t the biggest deal in your life :) Have fun and enjoy the World Wide Web :)

For more hosting options click here.